Year of the Ox Who Plays With His Food

To get to’s offices, I have to drive down a dirt road (featuring signs that say: “maximum speed limit: 15 mph—We Love Our Children”) that borders cow pastures.

I’m glad I live in a place where there aren’t signs declaring, “Drive As Fast As You Can—These Kids Shoot To Kill.”

Anyway, in one field lives a picture-perfect ox—tall, sturdy, dark brown with long, pointy horns. I love to watch him eat—for reasons mysterious to me, he always, always, always has a bunch of hay on his back which  stays there for as long as he chews. Always.

Dear ox experts: Does this enhance the pleasure derived from eating hay? Is this similar to children gleefully, cluelessly wearing their lunch? Is there a scientific reason? I’ve never seen another cow, bull, or ox do this.

Your feedback is appreciated.

One Comment

  1. Abhay said:

    I’m no ox expert, but Sundari loves to have her strawberry applesauce in her hair while she’s eating.

    July 8, 2009

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