Two Reasons to Stick Your Hand Down the Garbage Disposal

The last time I heard a garbage disposal making grinding sounds, I turned it off, then fished out a horribly mangled pair of formerly useful measuring spoons.

“You’re supposed to check it before you run it,” my wife despaired at my lack of wisdom. But don’t garbage disposals have a way of mysteriously turning on as soon as you stick your hand in?

This morning, I overcame those irrational fears. I felt around down in the dark, underneath those black rubber flaps, bare-handed. There was something in there, all right. Good thing I checked. I pulled out the bleached, decomposed remains of a medium-sized frog.

I shuddered. I shrieked. His dead black eye looked up at me. How the hell had he gotten in there? I rinsed and soaped and rinsed again. I found some cheap plastic forks to use as tongs to lift the body into a plastic bag, which I carried, grim and still shaking, down the hall, past my wife’s room, and out to the trash.

“Is anything the matter?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

I’ve touched frogs before. I went through a cruel childhood frog-killing phase. I’ve eaten frog legs in restaurants. Karmic justice would demand I suffer. Mercifully I got off easy today with a major case of the creeps.

Just see this nice, healthy froggie
Just see this nice, healthy froggie


  1. ekendradasa said:

    Serves you right, frog killer!

    October 16, 2009
  2. Your Frog-Loving Wife said:

    Poor Pati. Poor Froggy.

    October 22, 2009
  3. i think i would have freaked out more had it been a garbage disposal full of water bugs. blah!!!

    October 22, 2009
  4. Pancha Tattva dasa said:

    That would make me jumpy!

    November 11, 2009
    • ekendradasa said:

      Jumpy! Ha! I get it! Oh Jaya!

      Thanks for commenting, love and respect, ED

      PS: I’m on a mission to recover all the lost recordings of Pancha Tattva dasa singing Hare Krishna to melodies that only he sings. I love the man and his melodies. where is such audio available?

      November 11, 2009
  5. When I moved out of my apartment in Minneapolis, I found a flattened mouse that my cat had evidently killed and stashed under the rug. Served me right for taking her first mouse away from her!

    January 3, 2010
  6. ekendradasa said:

    Oy Vey! thanks for the good idea. Now I know where to stash my mice!

    January 4, 2010

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